
Welcome to the website for the

Hampton Roads Talent Alignment Strategy

The Talent Alignment Strategy aims to ensure education and workforce development efforts in Hampton Roads are aligned with the needs of employers in the region.

About the Talent Alignment Strategy

The purpose of the Hampton Roads Talent Alignment Strategy is to ensure education and workforce development efforts are aligned with the needs of employers and to coordinate existing education and workforce development initiatives currently underway throughout the region. Ultimately, the project aims to create the next generation workforce that the Hampton Roads region will need to propel its economy forward.

The Hampton Roads Community Foundation, ReInvent Hampton Roads, Hampton Roads Workforce Council, and the Greater Peninsula Workforce Board have engaged the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and Avalanche Consulting to complete the Talent Alignment Strategy.

The strategic planning process will include the following steps:

  • Engage a regionally diverse Steering Committee consisting of public, private, education, and nonprofit leaders from the region with the role of building the framework and facilitating the effort of the strategic plan.

  • Develop a Workforce Snapshot to understand the condition of the current workforce, examine regional characteristics such as population trends and age composition, employment trends and industry growth, educational attainment, and educational performance.

  • Conduct a Demand Analysis to identify the existing and emerging drivers of job creation within the Hampton Roads region. We will examine the current size and concentration of each industry and occupation cluster and determine past growth and future growth for each industry and occupation cluster to identify which clusters  are growing the fastest.

  • Conduct a Talent Supply Analysis to determine if students in the region’s colleges and universities are pursuing degrees that will benefit the Hampton Roads’ economy and its growing industry and occupation clusters. Our analysis will examine growth trends of degree clusters, their overall size of output, growth comparisons to the US, and “concentration quotients” to show the relative density of the degree group in the Hampton Roads.

  • Create a Gap Analysis to identify occupations with potential for current and future shortages. Each occupation group will be described in terms of being in balance with graduate output, over-supplying the market, or under-supplying the market.

  • Develop an Inventory of Education and Workforce Programs for Target Sectors in the region, including specific degrees and credentials within the major disciplines of the target industries and competencies, and to identify areas that might be developed to better support the target sectors moving forward. 

  • Develop a Talent Alignment Strategy to help the Hampton Roads region align its workforce and education initiatives with the needs of top employers and industries in the region. The Strategy will include the identification of future workforce skills needed for each target sub-cluster and a plan for bridging gaps in the current regional education and training pipeline to deliver a steady stream of qualified workers.

The Hampton Roads Talent Alignment Strategy began in December 2018 and is scheduled for completion in June 2019. 


The Hampton Roads Community Foundation is the region’s largest grant and scholarship provider. Their focus is on partnering with donors from all walks of life to improve life in southeastern Virginia. They do that through grants, scholarships and leadership initiatives. Since 1950 it has awarded more than $282 million in grants and scholarships to improve lives in southeastern Virginia. Learn more about the Hampton Roads Community Foundation.


Hampton Roads Workforce Council is an organization advocating for a comprehensive approach to workforce development, endeavoring to solidify relationships between key stakeholders. The organization facilitates communication, funneling the needs of the business community back to the educators and training providers. Hampton Roads Workforce Council identifies employer needs and adjusts existing programs accordingly, as well as develops new training programs to better equip the regions' workforce for the labor marketplace. Learn more about the Hampton Roads Workforce Council.

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Reinvent Hampton Roads is an outgrowth of a community leadership initiative of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation launched in 2012 focusing on regional economic competitiveness. The strategic focus of Reinvent Hampton Roads is creating more and higher paying jobs, building a culture where entrepreneurship can thrive and diversifying the economy. Learn more about Reinvent Hampton Roads.

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The Greater Peninsula Workforce Board is a group of community leaders appointed by local elected officials and tasked with planning and oversight responsibilities for workforce development programs and services within the seven localities that comprise the Virginia Career Works – Greater Peninsula Region. They are one of the fifteen Boards established within the Commonwealth by the Governor’s Office. Learn more about the Greater Peninsula Workforce Board.

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) is a national, non-profit organization whose mission is to put meaningful learning, credentials and work within reach for every community.  CAEL works to remove policy and organizational barriers to learning opportunities, identifies and disseminates effective practices, and delivers value-added services. Since its founding in 1974, CAEL has been providing colleges and universities, companies, economic development organizations, labor organizations and state and local governments with the tools and strategies they need for creating practical, effective lifelong learning solutions to address long term skills needs. Learn more about CAEL.   

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Avalanche Consulting is the nation's premier economic development strategist. Avalanche is deeply driven to make a positive impact and seek clients who are equally inspired to energize their economies. Headquartered in Austin, Avalanche was established in 2005 and its team has a combined 80+ years of experience.  Avalanche’s clients include the best performing economies in the country, from towns like Provo, Estes Park, and Sarasota, to metros like Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Columbus, Houston, Miami, and Oklahoma City. Learn more about Avalanche Consulting.


Shawn Avery, President & CEO 
Hampton Roads Workforce Council 
(757) 314-2370 ext 100

Angela Gallagher, Senior Associate, Workforce Analytics
(312) 499-2634

Jennifer Vernon, Consultant
Avalanche Consulting
(864) 270-8172